10 Tips to create Killer “Blog Content”:
When you write, try to use less “jargons”. Always write in a manner that a layman would understand. You may be an expert on the topic and would like to use “technical terminology” but this will not help in getting your point across to a “broad” audience! For example, avoid using abbreviations such as “TBR” or “ARC” when writing a book review. A fellow book reviewer/a publisher/ an author may be able to understand it but a book reader who just wants to know what the book is about and get an honest review will get confused with those short terms and “jargons”! If you think that using certain jargons will increase the credibility of your post, then make a “Glossary” page for terminology that you use frequently in your posts.
2- Keep it crisp and to-the-point:
Do not aim for extremely lengthy posts. Try to be as concise as possible. Similarly, do not keep dragging a single point to long paragraphs. Put your post in small paragraphs and use bullets or numbering for every new point. It will help the reader in scanning your post easily.
3- Keep it ethical:
If your blog is about reviews (like my blog!), then analyze the “review product” (e.g. book, movie, song, etc.) thoroughly and objectively, telling the “good” and “bad” points to the readers. Do not use offensive language or abusive slang!
4- Be honest:
One very effective method: Write from your heart! Yes, I strongly believe that those bloggers who “think” too much to make a post better, may forget to put their “heart” into it. Just write in a sincere tone and the readers will definitely get you! Be frank, straight-forward and candid in your approach. Lend a personal touch here and there so readers can associate with you, but that does not mean, that you make the post completely subjective. Give an impartial opinion whenever you post a review on something.
One very effective method: Write from your heart! Yes, I strongly believe that those bloggers who “think” too much to make a post better, may forget to put their “heart” into it. Just write in a sincere tone and the readers will definitely get you! Be frank, straight-forward and candid in your approach. Lend a personal touch here and there so readers can associate with you, but that does not mean, that you make the post completely subjective. Give an impartial opinion whenever you post a review on something.
5- Create smart blog post titles:
When I was learning “Journalism”, the one thing that was told to us thousands of times was: “When writing a title/headline, use 5 W’s: Who, What, Where, When and How”. This means that the title should tell the “gist” of the story. In the case of a blog, the title should emphasize on the “keywords” of the post. Research related topics and read other blog posts, to get a better idea of how to write “compelling” and “effective” titles.
When I was learning “Journalism”, the one thing that was told to us thousands of times was: “When writing a title/headline, use 5 W’s: Who, What, Where, When and How”. This means that the title should tell the “gist” of the story. In the case of a blog, the title should emphasize on the “keywords” of the post. Research related topics and read other blog posts, to get a better idea of how to write “compelling” and “effective” titles.
6- Edit and Re-edit!
Once you are done writing, do not hurry to press “Publish”. Check for spelling errors, grammatical and typing mistakes. If you find the sentences too long, shorten them. Look at your post from a critic’s viewpoint and be a little cruel while editing. This will save you from irritating the readers after you publish the post. Do not edit it once, but do it multiple times. The mistakes that might have escaped your eye the first time, will get visible when u read it again and again. For instance, when I write a post, I save it as a “draft” for reading it later. Then, I try to distract my mind and do other stuff and do not think about that post. After a while, when I feel refreshed, I return to my post to read it again for editing, so that my mind is totally clear and fresh to grasp the faults in my post.
7- Variety is the necessary “spice”!
One essential ingredient in the recipe of “successful blogging” is “variety”. Give your readers a wide platter to choose from and let them select according to their taste! Develop a theme and revolve your new features around that idea. They should be “related” to each other so that your blog makes sense. If you start a blog about food recipes (light stuff) and suddenly start writing about politics (hard-news), it would not match the overall theme of the blog. But, if you put a “diet and fitness” segment, it will add “variety” and also suit the subject of your blog.
7- Variety is the necessary “spice”!
One essential ingredient in the recipe of “successful blogging” is “variety”. Give your readers a wide platter to choose from and let them select according to their taste! Develop a theme and revolve your new features around that idea. They should be “related” to each other so that your blog makes sense. If you start a blog about food recipes (light stuff) and suddenly start writing about politics (hard-news), it would not match the overall theme of the blog. But, if you put a “diet and fitness” segment, it will add “variety” and also suit the subject of your blog.
8- Interact with your readers/followers:
“Readers” are the reason you blog. If you write something in your diary and no one else reads it, it’s private. But if you blog about something, you want to share and be heard. So, do not forget to make it a “two-way street”. Listen to your reader’s feedback carefully! Try to reply back to their valuable comments. Engage them in a discussion; ask questions, put up a poll! Know your readers, because they are the “secret ingredient” in this recipe!
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Of course, do not listen to them if they say something like this! *wink* |
9- Using “international” frame-of-reference:
Keep in mind that you are not writing for US audience or for that matter, any region or country specifically. So, avoid using those “words” or “phrases” or even “jokes” which have a “cultural reference” and can only be understood by the people living in a certain part of the globe. Those words with a “religious” or “cultural” context will sound gibberish to the readers who do not know about the thing you are talking about. They may get annoyed, misunderstand it and think of it as rude. If you think that putting a “cultural” reference is the demand of the topic, then “hyperlink” it to Wikipedia, so they can know the meaning and the background before jumping to any conclusions.
10 - Be creative and use visual aid:
Brainstorming will help you get new ideas. Develop them and shape them according to your reader’s needs. The content of the post should be useful and helpful for your readers. Also, aid your ideas with attractive visuals. Make your post appealing and eye-catching with the help of relevant images, pictures, and illustrations. They not only make your blog look stunning but also help the reader understand the topic a little better.
Are you a blogger? Were these tips helpful for you? Do you want to share your own tips? Let me know your answers in the comment box!
Such awesome tips. I especially found the sections about titles helpful :) I LOVE your blog.
ReplyDeleteWonderful post and great tips!! The section about titles and honesty were the most helpful for me. I tend to over-analyze everything I write. It's probably the reason I have had writer's block (both fiction and reviews) for the past year and a half. Thanks for sharing this!
ReplyDeleteLiz @ Coffee & Romance, a book blog
@Elisa: I LOVE ur comments!:)
ReplyDelete@Liz: Thank you so much for such a warm feedback!:)
Both ladies find "titles" point the most helpful, good to know. Please share any tips you have got, so I can benefit from them too! Happy blogging and reading my blog!:)
I actually think it's important to write how and about what you want to, otherwise it's not enjoyable for yourself and others won't enjoy it as much. I'm not sure you can be both objective and write from the heart.
ReplyDeleteWrite for yourself and your audience. If they know your slang and like reading your long, thoughful reviews, then don't stop writing that way because you can't please everyone :)
Nice, I'll bookmark these great tips! Thanks!
ReplyDelete@Ellie: I agree that you can't please everyone but its always better to gauge the pulse of your audience, while incorporating your style of writing. Thanks for your feedback!:)
ReplyDelete@Catherine: Lovely to hear from you!:)
What a great blog. I love your tips. I am a new blogger so found them really helpful. I will take a lot of what you have said and apply it to my blog. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWish I could have voted in your poll before it closed. I'd have said 90 percent content and 10 percent design -- you can have the greatest content in the world, but if it's poorly presented on the page or displayed in an obscure typeface, it's problematic. Nice idea, btw!
ReplyDeleteHonesty is key. My favorite point in your list.
ReplyDeleteWhen you are open and sincere, people will be interested in what you say. And it's what YOU are saying, not just some mimicry of something someone else has said a million times.
I keep meaning to tell you (but I haven't because I am buried in preparing the book package) that since I've found you on she writes, that i not only truly enjoy your blogs, but your writing is a pleasure to read. I promise to be back for more. The one point I hadn't considred from your list above was the international aspect - silly of me given that I've lived in mulitple countries. Thanks for the reminder.
ReplyDeleteAwesome tips...I really will follow them...
Komal, what a GREAT post. Every point is true and well-described. This is my first time here, but I'll be coming back. Very well done!
@Lisa: Good luck with your blog!:)
ReplyDelete@Terry: I get you! "Design" is also one of the important aspects in building a great blog.
@Woshshi: As they say, "Honest is the best policy", so why not apply this tried and tested method in blogging too!:)
@Brenda: I am so pleased to find out that you enjoy my blog. Nothing makes a blogger more happy than its avid readers! Hoping to see more wonderful comments from you. Keep reading!:)
@Soutik: You are most welcome!:)
@Girl Parker: Thanks so much for finding my post, "GREAT"! *grins*
All of you who commented, you made my day! Keep coming back for more posts!:)
Hi Komal!
ReplyDeleteYou visited my blog awhile back when I was first just starting out, and I wasn't really organized yet or responding to comments promptly! Now that I'm more organized and set up, I'm definitely going to be back to my favorite blogs frequently :)
Thanks for your great blog tips by the way!
Hey Rebecca! Glad to know u remember my comment on ur blog. How come my blog is not in ur favorite blogs list? Makes me kinda sad u know!:(
ReplyDeleteThanks for checking out my blog, hope u come back to read more posts!:)
Great tips. I always struggle with number five though.
ReplyDelete@Rhi: Thanks for your comment. I visited your blog and commented but it did not publish (dunno y). If you check this msg, lemme know how can I comment on your blog.
ReplyDeleteExcellent blog! I'm leaving for New Zealand in a few days and plan to mull-over your points while in the air. I've only been blogging since the beginning of April. I still have a lot to learn. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI'm new to your blog and I left a message an hour ago. It showed I got in but I had to wait for approval. When I came back my comment was not posted. What are your requirements?
ReplyDeleteGreat ideas! Leaving for New Zealand in a few days. Printed your blog to mull over on the plane. Been blogging since April, working out the kinks. There's so much to learn! I'll be back. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteNancy@ blogofavetswife.blogspot.com
Great useful tips which majority of us can vouched for. I find interact with readers is a skill which I need to improve in.
ReplyDeleteAppreciate your guidances in this aspect. Thanks,
@Nancy: Thank you so much for considering my blog important enough to read over the plane! Wish you very best for your trip! May you have a wonderful time! I started my blog around last week of March, so we both started around the same time I guess! Good luck with your blogging. I am going to check out your blog too.
ReplyDeleteThe comments are displayed when I open my account and check them. I just opened and saw your comments and of course they get published then!:) So feel free to comment in future too, I check comments on daily basis, so make sure u check back for follow ups!:)
@James: I think I share this weakness with you. Readers are like "bullet train" who we(bloggers) need to catch before its gone! If we are able to grab their attention and hold it, I think its a great achievement as a blogger!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your lovely comment, James!:)
Komal, Thank you so much for visiting my blog, and your gracious words. You made my day!!! I now know what "wait for approval" means, excuse my persistence. You offer something I was looking for and I'm so happy to be one of your followers. Packing for New Zealand, but wanted to stop and say thank you. And you're welcome to glean anything of interest. Will touch base when I return. Oh,your blog looks like you've been up for years . . . it's terrific!!
ReplyDeleteNancy@ blogofavetswife.blogspot.com
@Nancy: You are most welcome! I am lucky to have followers who find my blog "terrific"! *grins*
ReplyDeleteGreat blogging tips, Komal. I'm following!
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for visting my blog and leaving your comment. :)
@Jodie: Thanks for the follow!:) Will be visiting your blog again for more enjoyable posts!:)
ReplyDeleteDear Komal! ur blog is getting more interesting day by day. Ten tips r really amazing to make a blog "killer". It shows that u hv God gifted creative abilities. After reading ur points I read all comments, its looking nice that all ur followers r v happy wid ur new segment. Good luck Komal.
ReplyDelete@ankh: Awee..that is so sweet of u! Thanks so much for wishing me! You made my day with your kind words!:) Hoping it stays that way and reader keep liking my blog!
ReplyDeleteHi, Komal!
ReplyDeleteWOW!! You have some really GREAT blogging tips here! They're all very helpful, not just for beginning bloggers, but for any blogger who wants to make sure his/her blog will be attractive, and yet contain meaningful personal content.
I do have to say, though, that I can't really follow the advice in tip #2...I tend to write long posts! When I write a review, for example, I like to analyze a book thoroughly. I really can't do that in just a couple of paragraphs. Also, I sometimes include chapters from one of my fan fiction stories on my blog. These are not short posts, by any means! The stories are related either to The Twilight Saga, which I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, or to The Phantom of the Opera. I don't know if this is such a good idea, but, heck, I do enjoy writing (can you tell from this long comment?), so I figure, why not?
I have also posted one chapter from a novel I'm sort of writing (I haven't progressed very far with it), but I'm afraid of posting any original work, because it might get stolen.
Well, anyway...thanks again for these tips, and KEEP THE GOOD STUFF COMING!! YAY!! : )
Maria @http://anightsdreamofbooks.blogspot.com/
@Maria: Pretty long comment darling, although very nice! lol! Okay, about tip#2, I think you did not grasp the whole point. What I mean is, it should not look like you are beating around the bush and not pointing things in a clear-cut manner. Again, its all about achieving balance between how you love to write and what readers will read. I know, it is pretty tricky, but that is the fun part!;)
ReplyDeleteI can't comment on posting your unpublished novel, because I do not have any experience in this regard. I am sure, those who are aspiring writers, will be able to help better.
Hey, Thanks for taking out time and expressing your views on my post. Most welcome and I hope you will comment on my other posts too!:) Keep reading!
One more thing, I was pleasantly surprised to see my blog in your favourite blogs list. *tite hug* for that!:)
Best of luck for your blog!:)
Sorry for the delay in responding, but I've been blogging like crazy, since I took a couple of dsys off work, adding them to the Memorial Day holiday weekend!
ReplyDeleteAs for tip #2, I do try to "not beat around the bush", as you put it, but I can't just write a few sentences. I prefer to read long posts on other blogs, too. I think writers need more than just one or two sentences to express their views. I do agree with you, though, that it's not good at all to be redundant.
You're very welcome for my inclusion of your blog in my faves! Your blog is always entertaining! Hugs right back!!!
Thanks for wishing me luck with my blog! I'm up to 89 followers now! That's just 11 away from 100!!! You know what's brought me more followers? Book memes. Yup. I'm participating in three of them now -- "Musing Mondays", "Waiting On Wednesday", and "Follow My Book Blog Friday Blog Hop". Frop by my blog and you'll see! : )
Maria @ http://anightsdreamofbooks.blogspot.com/
@Maria: Congrats on reaching so many followers..nothing beats the excitement of seeing the readers grow!:)
ReplyDeleteDear, I already checked, keep up the good work!:)
A really useful list of tips. I think (8) is crucial. The way you interact with your readers can make or break a blog. Although you can blog just before yourself, but as soon as you decide you want to encourage visitors to your site, they become the most important thing. If your readers don't find your content either enjoyable or useful they won't be readers for long!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your tips. i am a dam follower or yours
ReplyDeleteand i get my results
@Girl: Thanks for being an ardent reader/follower of my blog. *wide grin*
ReplyDeleteI learned something here! Love the comic strip very funny!
ReplyDeleteI struggle with blog content. It seems egotistical to talk about myself and my thoughts, but that's what blogging is, talking about yourself and what you are interested in, isn't it? Sometimes, I think my blog posts are too dark; after all, people want to laugh, don't they? I don't know. It just doesn't seem my blog is very successful, and I need to really work on it. Time is also an issue. Writing and editing my books takes up so much time, not to mention responding to emails, etc., I just don't have a lot of time to update my blog. New Year's Resolution; blog at least once a week!
ReplyDeleteGreat tips, thank you.
Thank you so much for the info! I am a new blogger and sometimes I struggle to know some of those things. However I do have one question that you, or maybe someone else you know might be able to help me with. I am trying to put badges, or buttons on my blog page and for the life of me can't figure out how to do it. Can you tell me how to do this? Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteGreat tips. My problem is #2. I tend to go on, and on, and on...
ReplyDeleteGood tips however for me I do my blog so it is something I like and hope others enjoy it too, I think if it is all about what other people like you miss your own enjoyment.
ReplyDeleteLainy http://www.alwaysreading.net
nice tips... I work with PS so I find them helpful ;-)
ReplyDelete@Margaret: It is so funny and smart at the same time! lol
ReplyDelete@jmrinaldo: It can be egotistical if its a diary blog, but if its a book blog etc., it helps you become part of the community with same likes and interests as u have, so it is kinda KEWL! Good luck with your NYR!:)
@sweetheart8181: Thanks so much for finding the tips helpful. Good question abt blog buttons. When I was making one, even I struggled for a long time to understand the whole thing. But believe me, its not that big a deal once you know the process. Just make your blog logo in any basic program like "Paint" save it as .jpg file. Then go to sites such as photobucket where you can make your account and upload the image.
ReplyDeleteThere are sites where you can get an HTML code for the logo you created. Now, put the code in the bar just like you put others blog buttons on your sidebar. It will show the code which other blogs can copy so they can paste your blog button on their sidebar. I hope it helped...or maybe I confused you more. Let me know. If you need more help, you can email me directly on mediajerks@yahoo.com
Happy blogging sweetie! x
Great tips ;D
I'd say 90% is about right for content. Without some substance no one will return.
Thanks for the tips! I will have to do better at my blog.
ReplyDeleteI would love for you to check out my blog and then tell me what I am doing right and wrong.
blog: http://ilovebooksclub101.blogspot.com/
email please at lmarste@yahoo.com
These are very useful tips! I think the most difficult may be 9, specially if you use languages like English, Spanish or French, that are spoken in many different places. Sometimes you're not aware that the very common word you're using has a completely different meaning somewhere else.
ReplyDelete@Lena: I think you have a wonderful blog. In fact, I would like to learn a thing or two from you, for example, Rafflecopter, I don't know what is it all about and how can you use it for giveaway entries. Which site to go to for using it? If you know the answers to these, lemme know dear! :)
ReplyDeleteBtw, I love that you have so many giveaway icons so readers can search for giveaways going on other blogs. Thumbs up!:)
Thanks for commenting, hope you keep returning to
@Helen: So true! English has got so many slang words, but they are different for a person living in US, Canada, UK or Australia. When I came to UK, it took me sometime to realize that when somebody says, "You alright?" that means they are just saying "hello, how ya doin?"..and not asking if u r sick! lolzz
ReplyDeleteI am glad you found the article informative and useful. Keep coming back to read more!:)
Hahaha! Omg, I love that SKYPE image XD
ReplyDeleteGreat tips by the way! They serve as a good reminder for everyone.
I am glad that you realize that content is the mist important part of the blog! I do like blogs that have a theme or genre that they revolve around because I will check them out more often!
ReplyDeleteI like tip #9 - international audience, and hyperlinks to terms that may not be obvious to every reader. Having heard how 'all Americans' are to US-centric, I try to keep an international frame of mind when I surf, and I think it's an important tip.
ReplyDeleteI am very glad I found this blog. I am a new blogger and can really use these tips. Thank you for a great post!
ReplyDeleteYou are most welcome! If you have any questions regarding, I would be happy to help! Happy blogging! :)
DeleteThese are some awesome tips. Thank you so much for posting them. I know this is an old post, but I am just finding it, and will be watching your blog from now on to see what else you have to say!
ReplyDeleteGreat tips.
ReplyDeleteMy blog - http://bookbloggermom.blogspot.com
Great and invaluable tips I ever read. Perhaps I may it another tip is Practise, Practise and practise to make it more perfect, if you apply it appropriately.